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LAs Thematic Network Meeting 15 June- Recording out now!

The City of Sanctuary Local Authority Network met on the 15th June to discuss an Alternative Vision for the Asylum System: Resettlement, Dispersal and Welcome, in light of the New Plans for Immigration. Of 73 registered, 58 participants from 23 Local Authorities and key stakeholders joined the event. Case studies gathered as part of the session form a first step towards the development of a Local Authorities ‘Resource Pack’.  The pack will be aimed at councils of all tiers and sizes wishing to show leadership in creating welcoming places for all of their residents, and be proud to offer inclusive services to people of sanctuary seeking background.

The recording can be found here:

Below you will find the list of speakers and presentations:

  1. Welcome and Introduction- Cllr Kevin Bonavia, Chair of City of Sanctuary LAs Network
  2. My journey from seeking sanctuary to becoming a councillor- Cllr Alice Mpofu-Coles
  3. Overview of the New Plans for Immigration and Introduction to Asylum Accommodation and Dispersal Policy – Andy Hewett, Refugee Council
  4. What is next for Resettlement? Lou Calvy, Refugee Action
  5. Introduction to Community Sponsorship, Carly Wyborn, RESET
  6. Breakout rooms:  
  • Resettlement- Facilitated by Jack Skelly, Lewisham Borough Council
  • Dispersal- Facilitated by Helen Clancy, Swansea City Council
  • Community Sponsorship- Facilitated by Carly Wyborn, RESET
  • Integration and Welcome-  Facilitated by Saulo Cwerner, Migration Yorkshire

7. Together with Refugees Campaign- Sally Copley, Asylum Reform Initiative


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