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Special LAs Thematic Network Forum: the Afghan Crisis in the context of a broken system

The City of Sanctuary Local Authority Network is horrified by the humanitarian catastrophe in Afghanistan and LA members around the country have been working hard to prepare to welcome people fleeing unimaginable situations.

Local Government has a proud history of supporting refugees and we have seen a large number of local authorities make pledges to play their part in the effort to resettle people of sanctuary seeking background eligible for ARAP and ACRS. These admirable pledges of support do not come without their challenges for councils working hard to respond to pressures created by a broken asylum system which is not fit for purpose.

We held a special LAs Thematic Network Forum on the 19th October to discuss the challenges experienced by Local Authorities resulting from the Afghan Crisis and how working together with local partners can help alleviate pressures and improve experiences for all people feeling violence and persecution. 64 participants joined on the day highlighting the the urgent need for a fairer and more effective asylum system in the UK.

The Recording of the meeting can be found here: